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A schools climate may be hostile, lenient, etc. and the students are first hand recipients to this culture. Although culture cannot be entirely controlled, underscoring factors that contribute to this hidden curriculum, will, in turn, directly affect student achievement, as suited to the schools goals. Allow me to further drive this point home by using a concrete, localized example that highlights the significance of hidden curriculum. Owning to its title of being The Only Christian Nation in Asia, the Philippines is home to multitudes of religious academic institutionsschools that incorporate respective religious beliefs into their curriculum. Inevitably, teachers, being agents of hidden curriculum, will find themselves in situations that may compromise what they teach, with regards to the religious institutions convictions. Events such as these have a great impact on a students worldview Mehner, 2009. Emphasis on the hidden curriculum could largely contribute, not perhaps to the eradication, but to the reduction of negative repercussions. Any thoughts on this?I would to hear from you. References: History Learning Site. 2012.

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People all totally disagreed with Polygamy because it did not benefit for society and family. To make the discussion become controversial, we always tried to give advantages of polygamy for argument but it seemed not strong enough for debate as, perhaps, most of classmates come from countries where polygamy does not permit, so no one supported polygamy. Next time, if we have opportunity to control another discussion, we would consider carefully peoples background before choosing topic. This can avoid discussing by one sided. Friends and Parents are topic that our class discussed with Kacie and Jasmin last Thursday. Two leaders had a great presentation, they given six questions, each person managed three questions to discuss with class, which made classmates did not feel boring. The topic was also familiar with our life so most of people in class participated and responded aggressively. Everyone in class agreed that both friends and parents affected our life. Parents will affect us when we are young and friends will influence our life when are mature. When we are mature, we have a lot of new friends and often spend much time on school and outdoor activities, event several people do not live with their parents. This makes us did not have much time in family to talk with parents so parents will less influence our life when we are mature.

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50 default . So it turns out that when I looked into the bluetoothctl logs on the Raspberry Pi that I was getting this error a2dp source profile connect failed for AA BB CC 11 22 33 Protocol not available You can look this by running sudo cat var log syslog grep i protocol Which is reported all over the internet as being resolveable through this command Mar 28 2015 Bluetooth PAN Network Setup with BlueZ 5. net Class 0x000c010c Powered yes Discoverable no DiscoverableTimeout 0x00000000 Pairable no UUID Headset AG 00001112 0000 1000 8000 00805f9b34fb UUID A V Remote Control 0000110e 0000 1000 8000 See full list on wiki. Just some quick manual notes for now. Kernel Code. In bluetoothctl I can see there is something called an quot agent quot and by looking at most of tutorials this quot agent quot has to be set quot on quot to create connections. Here is the list of contents of this post. There are different types of bluetooth agents. This means that these scripts only can read the Wave data while your phone is not connected to the Wave and vice versa. We have a few settings to adjust first. 46 1.

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External Examiners: Names, Positions and Institutions 2018 19The list for 2019 20 will be available in the Spring Term 2020. External Examiners' Reports are made available to students on the relevant programme. If you would like to view reports relevant to your programme, you may make an appointment to visit the Exams Office by emailing . uk . Some guidance is being developed to help students understand and contextualise such reports. Postgraduate Research Students External Examiners for Postgraduate Research Students should contact the Graduate School for further information about the relevant policies and procedures. Each August, the Exams Office writes to the Heads of Schools and Exam Reps regarding the nomination of both internal and external examiners for the next academic session. If you require an external examiner nomination form for a taught programme, please contact . uk . For more information regarding fees and expenses for External Examiners, please refer to the External Examiners Expenses Policy PDF 203KB. The external examining system is a key component of the University's quality assurance and enhancement processes.

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